Sunday, June 28, 2009

I’m dreaming of….

Wouldn’t it be nice to be on vacation? Just browsing pictures and remembering my last vacation. I was sick as a dog and went straight to the hospital after the ship docked but the pictures remind me of how relaxing vacations always are (at least they're supposed to be that way) Just reminiscing….nothing more.

side bar: the feet, are mine. Yes I know they're imperfect but they were perched on top of a chair, doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Oh, and the biker, please know that this was a family trip, yes the baby traveled that way....definitely NOT in


Anonymous said...

Photos are breathtaking...and your feet are just fine. The picture makes my want to prop mine up. lol

PunditMom said...

Love the one with the boats!
