"I remember visiting a church and one of the members was one of my best clients at the strip club. He had the nerve to tell my aunt that she must be ashamed to have me in the strip club. He is a prime example of pointing out the faults of others, when he should have been praying about his own faults - frequently visiting a high class strip club. His tithe and offering money were going to me. After that, I vowed never to go back into another church again, since the first thing they did was point out the wrong instead of welcoming, praying and helping me to get the demons in my life off of me."
That is an excerpt from Even Me: The Testimony Of The Prodigal Daughter by Mrs. Kia Fisher. Kia is a friend of mine. We first met, if you can call it a meeting, during this stage in her life. She disappeared for several years and I didn't know why, until now.
It was a Friday night when I got a copy of the book in my hands. It was signed, with a beautiful note from the author. I walked into the house, slipped off my shoes, and coat and plopped down on the couch for a night of reading. I laughed and cried and praised God. I'd always known about the stripping days but it's the other stuff that made me weep. It is only by the mercy of God that she is able to tell her story. Her testimony proves that God is relentless in pursuit of His children. You know that text, 'I am with you always, even to the end of the earth.' Her testimony is living proof of just that.
Kia poured her heart and soul and life into this book, so when she asked me to photograph the cover, and subsequently the book signing, I was honored.
Even Me: The Testimony Of The Prodigal Daughter is a humbling realization that having a perfect and spotless record is not a pre-requisite for God's service. All he asks for is our willingness.
Kia has a passion for young people. She has opened the Kingsway Christian Academy for Performing Arts and Technology and that is just the start of her ministry.
Please support Kia as she allows God to use her. You may purchase a copy of the book directly from her website or on Amazon.
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