Here's my point. Digital media changes. Everyday a newer and faster and sexier format comes out. If you doubt me, just try to pull up something on a floppy disk, if you can find one. Or better yet, if you can find a computer than will has a floppy drive. Ha! I just made myself laugh.
Now, let's do something else. Go find your parent's wedding album. Or your high school yearbook.
You must admit with me that the printed photograph has maintained it's sentimental and storytelling value even through the test of times.
So, I urge you, pull those pictures off your cell phone and facebook and your computer and get them printed. Or better yet, get a book made so you don't have to go through the process of putting an album together.
Whenever there is a natural disaster the first thing people cry about is not the big screen TV but it's the pictures.
Go, I beg, you. Print. Print beautiful photographs. If you don't have beautiful photographs, get some....then purchase prints. The nicer the picture the bigger print you should get, then you can have beautiful artwork in your home, on your walls, of you, of your family, of your happy times.
Photography is beautiful. It's even better when it's printed....and displayed.
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