Tuesday, December 31, 2013

After all that she's endured in the last few months, this is proof that Lauryn Hill still has the X-Factor! YES! She has it.

This piece is about 12 minutes long, but worth every, single minute.....the ending, the best part. I hope that one day she makes peace with the music industry so that the world can regularly enjoy her art. We deserve that much.

Every girl has had a moment in her life where her chickens come home to roost. In other words, you have to face the music and deal with the consequences of bad behavior. If you haven't experienced it yet, just hold on....your day is coming. It's happened to all of us.....more than once. But it's not the end, there's always a bounce back. There's always a renewal, a rejuvenation, a re-emergence. You can choose to recover or wallow in self-pity. But you will always get a chance to do the thing that defines you and it breathes life into a space that needed refreshing. This is Lauren's moment. She DID THAT!

This will make your smile... GUARANTEED!

You'll watch this video....and smile the whole way through. And if you're really awesome.....find a mirror, stand up....and TWIRL!!!!

This video is my motto to every girl who says she's too ugly, too fat, too (insert negative adjective) to do boudoir photos. Make 2014 the year to do something different!

Watch and smile!

My favorite beauty tips from this video....

  1. Start thinking of your 'flaws' .... as differences....we all have them
  2. Sometimes you need to break fashion rules and just wear something .....simply because it feels good.
  3. Being vulnerable means that you are open to fully experience JOY! (Sidebar: currently reading Daring Greatly by Dr. Brene Brown ---- OH MERCY, I must write about that....powerful!)
  4. Decide that you are going to control your own perspective. Perception is reality
  5. Another word for sexy? Confident. 
  6. Breathe
  7. Express Yourself....kindly, without apology
  8. Go on a personal adventure.....whatever that means to you.
  9. Never stop looking and appreciating wonderful things around you.
  10. Create YOUR own story. 
Ok....so I loved all the tips. All of them!