Friday, March 30, 2012

Mike Check. 1. 2. 1. 2.

Testing. Testing. 1.2.3.

Why do people do that when they are doing a sound check? Ok, I understand doing that DURING a sound check but in the middle of the program, a simple 'hello' will do the trick and get your point across. #I.digress.

So, let's try this again. HELLO Ya'll. How you doing?

I'm really not going to take up much of your day. I know you love good photographs and you love me, of course. But I really wanted you to know that so much goes on behind the scenes that I hardly get a chance to talk about.

My mind is constantly thinking about interesting photo ideas. Sometimes, I just need a model (or two). Sometimes, I want to show off something that I can't put out in the public. Sometimes, I get an itch to pull out my camera and I need someone to photograph. Sometimes, I send out invitations to themed photo parties, where you show up, get photographed and have a great time.

If you want to get the inside scoop. If you want to be in the know. If you don't mind an email or two per month from me, then sign up. Now, go. I'd love to keep in touch with you.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

I print because I'm happy.

Do you still have a gramaphone? How about an A-track? Maybe a tape player? Well, it's a 50/50 shot that you have a tape player. But do you use it? As often as you use your video player, perhaps?

Here's my point. Digital media changes. Everyday a newer and faster and sexier format comes out. If you doubt me, just try to pull up something on a floppy disk, if you can find one. Or better yet, if you can find a computer than will has a floppy drive. Ha! I just made myself laugh.

Now, let's do something else. Go find your parent's wedding album. Or your high school yearbook.

You must admit with me that the printed photograph has maintained it's sentimental and storytelling value even through the test of times.

So, I urge you, pull those pictures off your cell phone and facebook and your computer and get them printed. Or better yet, get a book made so you don't have to go through the process of putting an album together.

Whenever there is a natural disaster the first thing people cry about is not the big screen TV but it's the pictures.

Go, I beg, you. Print. Print beautiful photographs. If you don't have beautiful photographs, get some....then purchase prints. The nicer the picture the bigger print you should get, then you can have beautiful artwork in your home, on your walls, of you, of your family, of your happy times.

Photography is beautiful. It's even better when it's printed....and displayed.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Walking in my Own shoes

I wish I could wear tall, sexy heels again. But hard as it may be to accept, that is probably not going to happen.

That fact, however, is not going to stop me from walking in my own shoes. These are not shoes that anybody else wears. They are mine.You may think they're cute, or not. But it doesn't matter because they aren't for you to wear them.

A few years ago, I started a running theme in my journaling and called it 'walking in my own shoes.' It's not a literal shoe, nor is it literal walking. It is, however, a symbol of being an authentic Pru. If you have ever worn shoes that were too small and squeezed your feet, or so big that you have to grip your toes on the inside to keep them from slipping off. If you've put on shoes that were waaaay too high and your feet ached from wearing them, then you know what I mean.

Walking in my own shoes is all about doing things that are good for me, regardless of the popular opinion. It's about standing up for my own happiness and wearing my big girl britches in the process. It's about being a woman and not a girl. It's about acting with integrity for the things that matter to me even if they don't matter to anyone else. It's about being an adult, with a husband, children and responsibilities. It's about doing what's right for me....oh, I said that already. But you get the point......It's about walking in my own shoes....literally, and figuratively.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

On the 7th day of December 1928 a baby boy came into this world. His mother named him Kenneth Welward Codner. He, as history would have it, would be my grandfather.

I have some fond memories of having a grandfather who would give me special treats everytime I would visit. Every child deserves to have a doting and somewhat permissive grandparent....but shhhh, don't tell my parents I said that.

Every life has a story. It starts on the day we are born and ends on the day we die. Our tombstones will have two dates on it, but the essence of our lives; the happiness, the sorrows, the good times and the bad will all be captured by the dash. Those who knew him best says that he was a dichotomy of both good and not-so-good. He was both even-handed and fair yet strong-willed and rebellious. I, of course, only witnessed the peaceful, easy-going side. But I now know, more clearly than ever, that my grandfather has a dash that is full of lessons; things that he did, stories that he told, and stories about his life that are messages for those who carry on.

Perhaps the one that moves me the most happened at the very end of his life. He was terminally ill and one day while lying in his bed, in pain and much discomfort, he was humming. Colleen, who took great care of him, asked 'What are you humming, Granville?' [As Jamaicans would have it, he had a nick name, his was Granville.] He said, 'Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see.'

I get all choked up every time I hear the song now because it has new meaning to me. You see my Grandfather didn't live a pristine life. He had some failures and shortcomings and paid a heavy price for some of his sins. Though he was raised by a devout Christian mother, he rejected religion for a long time. It was only a few years before he was terminally diagnosed that he renewed his spiritual commitment. So, as he sung this song, on what he knew was his death bed, it was personal. It wasn't just mere words, it was him expressing gratitude for God's Amazing Grace.

I miss my grandfather. But this last story, this last will and testament about God's Amazing Grace, will be one that repeatedly renews my faith walk.

[Yes, I do photograph funerals, they are a part of 'Capturing Life, One Click At A time. However, due to personal and sensitive nature of the occasion, I provide the files to the family. Some of my most emotive photos are from deeply personal and intense events like funerals]

If you choose to watch the video, here is some background. 
Our family owns many, many acres of land. There are three houses on the land where generations have lived. In this intimate setting is one of many family burial plots. My grandfather was buried next to his mother. The grave (and all the other labor required) is done, by hand, one shovel at a time. It's a final act of love. On the day of the burial, we all stay until it is just impossible to stay any longer. It is truly goodbye.

Demanding Justice, one hoodie at a time.

As someone who believes in the power of  photographs, I am just completely and totally amazed at the power of the Trayvon Martin hoodie pictures

If you don't know about the Trayvon Martin situation. Read about it here.

Imagine, thousands, maybe millions of people are using their image (and hoodies) to say something without saying a word. #Powerful.

That's what photography is all about. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Even Me

"I remember visiting a church and one of the members was one of my best clients at the strip club. He had the nerve to tell my aunt that she must be ashamed to have me in the strip club. He is a prime example of pointing out the faults of others, when he should have been praying about his own faults - frequently visiting a high class strip club. His tithe and offering money were going to me. After that, I vowed never to go back into another church again, since the first thing they did was point out the wrong instead of welcoming, praying and helping me to get the demons in my life off of me." 

That is an excerpt from Even Me: The Testimony Of The Prodigal Daughter by Mrs. Kia Fisher. Kia is a friend of mine. We first met, if you can call it a meeting, during this stage in her life. She disappeared for several years and I didn't know why, until now.

It was a Friday night when I got a copy of the book in my hands. It was signed, with a beautiful note from the author. I walked into the house, slipped off my shoes, and coat and plopped down on the couch for a night of reading. I laughed and cried and praised God. I'd always known about the stripping days but it's the other stuff that made me weep. It is only by the mercy of God that she is able to tell her story.  Her testimony proves that God is relentless in pursuit of His children. You know that text, 'I am with you always, even to the end of the earth.' Her testimony is living proof of just that.

Kia poured her heart and soul and life into this book, so when she asked me to photograph the cover, and subsequently the book signing, I was honored.

Even Me: The Testimony Of The Prodigal Daughter is a humbling realization that having a perfect and spotless record is not a pre-requisite for God's service. All he asks for is our willingness.

Kia has a passion for young people. She has opened  the Kingsway Christian Academy for Performing Arts and Technology and that is just the start of her ministry.

Please support Kia as she allows God to use her. You may purchase a copy of the book directly from her website or on  Amazon.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Always In Your Corner

[Sometimes, I'll write about photography. Sometimes, I'll write about life. Today it's about life]

It's the sweetest tell someone that you're always in their corner.....and to really mean it....and to really have them believe it.

It means that they know that you'll be their hero. That you'll be their biggest, most enthusiastic fan. That you'll do everything to support their dreams. That you'll cheer them on to victory. That you'll wipe tears and snotty noses and be a shoulder, when one is needed.

You have to be vulnerable and they do too. Sometimes you'll sacrifice your own pleasure for their happiness. You'll do things for the greater good. You won't get everything that you want, because things don't make life better, people do. You'll get all the love and support that you need....and that's priceless.

Relationships like that are not 50/50.....unless, of course, you only want your corner to be 50% covered.

There are some people, like your wife/husband, that should ALWAYS be on your team. Everybody else is just a nice surprise.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Funny Men of Comedy

Laughter is medicine to the soul. I really believe that. I really do. You should too. I believe in a good belly, gutteral laugh. The kind that makes you almost spit out your drink or want to roll around on the floor.

My husband turned me on to the comedy channel on about HILARIOUS. This however is not recommended if you work in on of those 'quiet' environments and definitely, definitely wear know comedians can get a bit CRAZY! Listening to funny men online is great but nothing beats hanging out with the girls, even if it's just on Facebook....we are constantly LOL'ing or ROFL'ing or LMBO'ing over silly stuff. I'm laughing just thinking about it. But nothing beats having a resident comedian aka husband. He is completely hilarious. If we ever need a little extra $, I'll just send him on tour. He is pass out on the floor funny. After the kids go to bed, we trip out. HILARIOUS!

We also have some great friends who have kept us in stitches for years. These are the people who when you go to their house you'll wake up the next morning with sore abs from laughing so much. A few of them decided to form an entertainment company and tour the southeast doing comedy shows. We have seen them a couple of times and they get funnier and funnier each time. This last time when they were in town, I pulled out my camera. Now, there is nothing easy about trying to laugh and take pictures at the same to impossible. But somehow I got a few good pictures.

Every time, I see the pictures, I remember a joke or two and it gives me a little chuckle. Laughter is truly medicine for the soul.
