Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New in 2010…

….new blog

….new website

….new logo

….new photos

….more frequent postings

It’s coming….

….photos by pru | the re-mix

Want a sneak peak? Check this out? (Thanks to fellow photographer Seymour of Salfrico’s Images)


Sunday, November 8, 2009

I’ve been busy…

…..with a cute little person who is the joy of our family. Meet her…. and bear with me while I try to catch up on some sleep.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

His Blessing

It feels like yesterday but it was actually 4 years ago. He was so little, just 6 weeks old and a tiny little thing but so many of our hopes and dreams were contained in his little body. We want him to be a powerful human being and a significant contributor to mankind so we had to start at step 1, bring him to the Lord. It is a longstanding tradition in our family to have the child blessed on his first Sabbath at church. We were surrounded by our close friends and family as the Pastor and Elders knelt about him and lifted him up for prayer and asked God to guide our parenting.

We are preparing to do the same thing with our daughter and I realized that I had never properly photographed his specially crafted outfit. It was made with such love and tenderness by my friend Melissa. She is a phenomenal designer. Her work is unlike anything I have ever seen. She does everything but her formal wear, especially wedding gowns are to die for. Abraham’s masterpiece was no exception. It was crafted with exceptional care and love. I imagine that every stitch was a prayer. Melissa is such a thoughtful designer and even the symbols on the garment have special meaning. The symbol on the hat and the pockets (Gye Nyame in Ghanain) means except God and is the symbol expressing the omnipotence and immortality of God.

I remember the day I went to pick it up and was blown away. Christening garments for boys are hard to come by and they are often unimpressive. My husband wanted something that was non-traditional and yet distinctly masculine. She did that and then some, she gave us something that had meaning. Oh and did I mention that she made a special monogrammed garment bag to keep it. She’s too awesome and her work is touched by Him who is the giver of all talents.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Turning 60

Earlier this year a phenomenal woman turned 60. Her family held an elaborate event to celebrate the occasion. They poured their hearts into making the birthday party an expression of love. Truly I was moved as I sat behind the lens and photographed the evening. I was just looking over the photos and it made me smile. This phenomenal lady turned 60 and she was proud.

Andrea's Mom turning 60 -- edited-2IMG_3926Andrea's Mom turning 60 -- editedThese gorgeous ladies are the grandchildren of the honored lady. They were so fabulous and I love this picture of them.

IMG_4233 No, you don’t have to turn your monitor, he is dancing on his head. This little dude was so into making moves and when he flipped on his head…we all screamed in delight. He was definitely having fun, which is exactly what I want to do when I turn 60!IMG_4074

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Dress

Shooting weddings are quite a thrill. More work than I ever imagined and more fun than I can explain. I have almost 1,000 pictures and I’m having a hard time selecting my favorites. This is truly where the work begins. Tonight I was working on editing some detail shots and I really love this detail shot of the bridal gown. What do you think?

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

I’m dreaming of….

Wouldn’t it be nice to be on vacation? Just browsing pictures and remembering my last vacation. I was sick as a dog and went straight to the hospital after the ship docked but the pictures remind me of how relaxing vacations always are (at least they're supposed to be that way) Just reminiscing….nothing more.

side bar: the feet, are mine. Yes I know they're imperfect but they were perched on top of a chair, doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Oh, and the biker, please know that this was a family trip, yes the baby traveled that way....definitely NOT in America...lol.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Give This Life to You

There's nothing so meaningful in a parent's life as when they bring their newborn child to the Lord. It's a symbol of commitment and more for the parents than the child. They have commited that they will commit their parenting wholeheartedly to God. Now, that I'm a parent, I find the symbolism even more profound. Here are a few pictures that marked the moment.

The next two pictures I just love because they show intensity that only a first time parent can have...

Here's Daddy....

...and here's Mommy....

....and here's a short slideshow with the rest of the pictures

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ordinary Miracle

What happens when love and family combine....well, you get an ordinary miracle. I spent the day with the most beautiful and loving family. They are so gentle with each other, it's extraordinary. I love that word ExtraOrdinary. It's just ordinary with a little extra. Well, that describes this family perfectly. They live everyday, ordinary miracles.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Most Wanted....

Some people are wanted for all kinds of not-so-good stuff, but Mr. J is wanted for all the right reasons. He is definitely America's Most Wanted. I'd take him home, except that his lovely parents would have ninja'd me for even trying. He was such a good baby. I want a baby as easy going as this little guy. I mean, look at him, he's so incredibly cute.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Twas the night before...

...this was a last minute session. Lil' baby was to be born literally hours later but we had to capture some pictures before his grand entrance. I have a few favorites and can't wait to share them all with Mom and Dad.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Top 5 for 2008

It's a new year! Happy New Year everybody. I am excited about 2009 and all the wonderful things that are in store.

New Years Eve/Day is a natural opportunity for reflection. I love photography because it is a snapshot of a moment in time. Of course, when you look at a photo you can see what was happening or how someone looked, or an expression of emotion but there are often so many unseens, like, smells, tastes, feelings, etc. Well, I've been looking over this year's photos, some were taken with my 35mm film Canon Rebel 2000, some with my Canon Powershot, and some with my Canon dslr. I've picked 5 that I love the most. They stand out b/c they capture a gorgeous moment in time. I plan on doing this every year and so, ladies and gentlemen, I present the TOP 5 PHOTOS BY PRU FOR 2008.

I love these pictures and I hope you do too. Can you tell I've been surrounded by babies? I love their littleness. What's your favorite?

Happy New Year ...

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