Thursday, November 27, 2008

It all started with this ...

I have so much to be thankful for. Life, liberty and not just the pursuit of happiness....I am actually happy, very happy. Since this is my photo blog, I need to take time out to thank Nika, Landi (and Heidi for that matter) for all the photography encouragement and accolades and advertisement. I am more grateful than I can adequately express.

It all started when Nika was pregnant, she wanted me to do photos of her and I relunctantly obliged. I did the pictures but I was not at all happy with them but made the best of the situation. It's not like you can re-create those moments. A woman is only full and pregnant for a short time. I think Nika liked the pictures anyway but I wasn't in love with them. That was about 1.5 years ago.

Fast forward to Spring 2008, Landi had a mishap and her scheduled photographer had to cancel at the last minute. She was full and pregnant and needed to have her pictures taken ASAP. Well, I hadn't taken photos in a looooooong while. Honestly, I had a point and shoot that we bought when our son was born but hadn't even bothered to think about getting a DSLR. Real photography was for people who had more time and I was too busy to invest in photography equipment that would hardly ever get used. But Landi insisted that I needed to take her pictures and so I literally dusted off my 35mm Canon Rebel 2000, bought some 400 speed film. I wasn't even sure that film was still sold and we went to the park to take pictures. I was N-E-R-V-O-U-S. I remember in the middle of the shoot stopping and saying a prayer and begging God to "Please make these pictures turn out ok." Remember this is a 35mm, so you don't see the results until after you go to the store and pick up the printed pictures. Who knows, by that time the baby could be here and the preggo moment gone, forever. If the pictures were to be any good, God would have to ensure that. I took pictures of the entire family for a couple hours, waited anxiously until they were transferred to CD, edited, did a slide show and these are the results.

That day, was transformative for me. My fire for photography was lit again. I've had some setbacks along the way but nothing has been able to quench my thirst to "capture the moment."

This was Landi's video. I love it and the song by Martina McBride is one of my favorites. It is especially meaningful to me on this Thanksgiving 2008 because, truly, I AM BLESSED.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Drum Roll Please!

The day has finally arrived! Yes, it fab cam has arrived in the mailbox. I've opened it and already spent countless hours tinkering with the little features, read the manual twice and taken more than 700 pictures of, well, nothing in particular. Clicking, just because. I'm working on expanding my collection of lenses but in just a few days my 50mm will be here and I'll be good to go, for now. Like most photographers, I suffer from GAS (gadget acquisition syndrome) which is usually limited only by my pocket and my cheapness.

I already have 2, maybe 3 shoots scheduled for the month of December and I will gladly post the pictures. It's nice to be blogging again.

Well, I feel inspiried to do something to celebrate. Fellow photogs, please don't kill me for this...but I must do this for the people who have encouraged me through this crisis. Call me...let's make a deal. I'm open for business....original, edited pictures on a disc, yours for the keeping, engagement, maternity, newborn, family, birthday doesn't matter.

So call/email/contact me and let's get your sessions scheduled.

I'm really, ready to start clicking again.