Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cool things to do in the cold weather --- brrrr

It's going to be 5 degrees on Monday morning. Yes, 5! My body was not made to tolerate that kind of weather. One kid is supposed to go to school, the other will be home. But I have a sneaky feeling that school will be canceled for both. So here is a some cool stuff that we are going to do, except that we're going to take advantage of the cold weather to see how things work out.

Then we're going to film it, photograph it and share with you all :). Should be fun. #ScienceExperiment. #NerdAndProud

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Perspective --- Putting it all in focus

Tonight, the first night of the new year, I went on a date with my very sexy husband. Just the two of us. It felt good. Life has been hectic for me lately and as we talked I started on a diatribe of complaints about work and kids and business and marketing and house chores....and he looked at me and said, "Isn't all that exciting?" I was like, "Yea, but, it's so much work....and I'm tired."

But that one comment had me thinking, maybe that's my problem, perspective. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love all that I have to do. But I'm not enjoying it as much as I should and the truth is that these are the moments that I will miss. I'm gonna miss this but the complaints are some sort of payoff mentally and I need to give it up b/c it's weighing me down and keeping me from enjoying, fully enjoying doing the exact things that I dreamed about. My life is good. Really good and I like it!

So. I started a grateful jar. I am going to fill it up with things that made me happy throughout the year. I'm already excited.

This little video reminded me of all things to be grateful about.