Sunday, October 5, 2014

Firstlook vs Traditional

There is something beautiful about seeing your bride for the first time as she walks down the aisle knowing that at the end of the walk you'll pledge 'till death do us part.' You'll enter the church separately as Ms. and Mr. and you'll leave as Mr. & Mrs. The wait, while she walks down the long aisle, is breathtaking. The joy and excitement of the family and friends is palpable. The smiling (or crying) groom is almost always a given. You'll meet each other at the altar and somehow you'll gather yourself and remain poised for the ceremony.

Alternatively, the first look allows you to see each other before the wedding, in private. You can see, feel, touch, embrace, cry and bond in a way that is authentic to the two of you. This may be the only opportunity to have a private moment for the entire wedding day....until that night, of course. It's intimate and comforting. Tears, laughs or both are shared. You'll have ample time for bride and groom portraits, then separate again to refresh and get ready for the walk down the aisle, which is always just as exciting. 

A few bonus' with the first look.
  • You'll never be late for the wedding because the entire bridal party will be ready long before it's time to say 'I do.' 
  • The time between the ceremony and the reception can be more relaxing. By then, only a few images need to be captured. You'll likely get a chance to eat before the wedding, freshen up and enjoy each other before the reception begins. 

I will honor which ever option a couple chooses and will create equally stunning images. 

A few months ago I created a video on this very topic. It's only 4 minutes but you may find some value in watching it.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fun and Romantic Family Photo Session at Stone Mountain Park

It was a beautiful evening. The light was just right, the weather was perfect. My friend of 20 years wanted a photo session with her lovely girls and her loving husband. The girls aren't babies anymore, they're brilliant and brave teenagers. They're womanly and stately. My friend, the woman who hasn't aged in the 20 years I've known her, and her wonderful husband wanted to go back to the very spot where they were married -- for better, for worse, in sickness and in health. 

It was such fun to go to Stone Mountain Park and take amazing pictures of this beautiful Muslim family. It was incredibly romantic to see a man and woman show such care for each other. I loved the way he would gently adjust her hijab, hold her hand and kiss her so freely.

Marriage is awesome. Family is beautiful. Photography captures it all.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wedding Day Tips :: Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Press Play to hear the audio of this post. It's your wedding day.....or maybe you're a bridesmaid, or a good friend. Here are 10 things you can do to to make the wedding day awesome.

  1. Plan 30 minutes per girl for makeup....45 minutes for the bride.

  2. Weddings are often late. The 10 minutes before the bride leaves the suite and walks down the aisle are sometime the most rushed and stressful. But if you plan adequate time for each person's makeup, you're more likely to be on time.....or at least less rushed.

  3. Schedule your most important photos around the best time for lighting.
    • The best time for pictures are right after sunrise or right before sunset. That may not always be possible but the couple can always sneak off during the wedding to snap a few lovely photos. If that is completely impossible, there are other options.
  4. Do a first look.

  5. You get to see, feel, touch and bond with your hunny when your makeup is fresh, in private before the ceremony. I've found that it calms nerves and all the hustle and frenzy before the wedding just goes away. Besides, if you plan for a first look, you won't be late and your wedding will absolutely start on time.

Check back tomorrow for more ways to make your wedding day amazing.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Our whole lives are relationships....

I get Danielle LaPorte's newsletters and this one almost had me in tears.

Our whole lives are relationships. Belly laughs — the ones you remember years afterwards when you’re driving down a quiet road by yourself or comparing your dim day to the shine of your past — those belly laughs only happen with friends. No one laughs that deep, long, and hard by themselves. That riot of joy takes relating.

The surest soothing of your despair… relationships. How your friend reframed your neuroses to show you that you’re not crazy, you’ve got survival instincts. How they pretend not to notice your inner ugliness — and heal you in the pretending. How they stay so steady with their gaze that the illusions you’ve been nursing dry up and float away.
Our whole lives are relationships. Emergency texting. Solutions that were designed just for you in the bowl of someone else’s heart. The 200 bucks before rent day that saved it all. Persistent love over years that one day melts you into your true self. Relationships.
Helping you pack up your life. On speed dial. Bottomless encouragement. There when you expected them to give up. Taller than your doubts. Seeing what you can’t. Protecting your tenderness. Big enough to fill your abyss. Rescued. Again.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The True Meaning of Photography

If you thought that this photography thing was only about having fun, clicking away and maybe making some money, then you're right. But you're also VERY wrong. Yes, I have fun. Yes, I love clicking away. Yes, I pay my bills, take care of my family and save a little all by mastering my camera. But this photography thing is so much more than that.

It's about service. It's about curating history. It's about preserving a memory. It's about telling stories. It's sparking conversation. It's answering questions, raising questions. It's truth telling. Like telling a woman that she's beautiful when she think she's not. Or capturing that 5 year old and his dad, because by the time he's six, his dad will be gone....forever. It's about looking back at generations of photographs and realizing that my daughter looks just like my grandmother when she was that age. It's about remembering your wedding day, long after the decorations are trashed, the food is turned to waste and the dress no longer fits. It's about telling your grandchildren all about your ballet teacher or your football games or your graduation party.

Photography is creating your own story.....and preserving it.....for you, for your children, for your legacy.....for your contribution to this world.

This post was inspired by the Oprah interview with John Mackey, co-founder of Whole Foods. Also
inspired by Seth's Godin's blog post titled, "It's not about you." This is my favorite quote from the piece.
Do your work, your best work, the work that matters to you. For some people, you can say, "hey, it's not for you." That's okay. If you try to delight the undelightable, you've made yourself miserable for no reason. It's sort of silly to make yourself miserable, but at least you ought to reserve it for times when you have a good reason. -- Seth Godin

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Friendship breakup :: A personal dilemna

It's a simple text that I can't respond to immediately. But for her it's an emergency, earth shattering, life changing. She see's my delay as a personal and maybe permanent rejection. So, she ratchets up and calls (all my numbers), texts (IN ALL CAPS) with lots of !!!! asking "Are you ok?" "I'm getting worried." "You haven't replied to me."

Yes, I'm ok. I just didn't feel like engaging you, had other things on my mind, busy running a business, occupied with my children, handling the duties of my home, etc. Bottom-line truth, I just didn't feel like HER, the life sucker, the energy drainer, the anxiety bringer....HER.

She's nice, kind, polite, friendly but our lives are very different and understanding the wonderful intensity of mine is beyond her ability to comprehend, relate or empathize. I need distance, lots of it. If we never talk again, I'd be ok. Wouldn't miss bit. I may call or run into her every couple of years and the high level catch up would be nice. If she's facing a crisis, I won't let her crumble.....I'll be human.

But I know that I cannot be everyday friends with people who don't get my life. I need friends with deep, intricate and busy lives. People with things to do....who value a good catch up conversation. People who understand that sometimes, we can have a good conversation end b/c a child needs attention or you've just made it to work. People who don't need answers to everything....who can live with the unanswered. I need friends who know to come when I holler, then go back to fulfilling their own amazing dreams. I need people who don't take 2 hours to warm up....but give you the important, juicy life details in the first 10 minutes of the conversation. Friends who don't keep important secrets. Friends who can handle important secrets.

I've found that people who don't meet the above criteria tend to cause anxiety for me and for them. My lack of  'shooting the breeze' comes across as insensitive and uncaring, when the reality is that I'm busy and when I'm not busy, I'm decompressing. I have more sh!t to do than I have time or brain space to process it all. I love it. It's the reality of my life. It's my excitement. It's me doing all the things that I love at the same time. People who are not in the same boat are incompatible, at this time.

Friends like that need a divorce or at least a separation. Friendship divorce sucks especially when there's no huge deal-breaker, issue or argument. So, I did what any normal person would do.....I asked my facebook friends for advice....and I googled "How to divorce a friend." I got great advice and found this article, this article and this article. All were helpful. The one thing I know is that a 'hint around' method isn't going to work. My personality is not confrontational. A kind, firm and direct approach is absolutely necessary and perhaps that's exactly what I need to bring my Smart.Bold.Passionate alter ego to the surface.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I have an M on my chest! -- MOM!

It's mother's day and I'm completely elated. I love this part of my life. I love the people that call me Mommy.

I remember the day I became a mother. As I laid in that hospital, numb from the waist down, tired from the pushing and hungry because they won't let you eat while laboring, I could only think of two things. 1-I could do this again. 2-I'm a superhero. I finally understood all mothers out there. I finally understood why they wore their title with a badge of honor. I understood the love, the bond, the reason behind the lengths a mother would go to protect her tribe. I got it. I felt powerful and accomplished. I was a mother. I am forever somebody's superhero.

Happy Mother's Day to all of us.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Finding Your Style :: A Fashion Piece by Bliss by Tiff :: Guest Post

Meet my adopted little sister Tiff. She's a fashionista. When I asked her to write a couple articles about fashion, she jumped and screamed with glee. This is obviously her bliss. Introducing Bliss by Tiff. Read and comment, it'll make her smile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I Ever wonder "what's my style?" 

I know this is a question that has resonated with almost anyone at least one time in their life. The problem is we compare ourselves with the glitterati, modeling ourselves to look exactly like them!  

Fashion, and style is unique. Individuality is what keeps this world spinning. You might like A-line skirts, cargo pants, flats, Mary Janes, t-shirts, jeans,  or flirty sundresses. The only thing that matters is being true to yourself! 

Yes I will tell anyone to live a little, step outside the box, try a color, pattern, or fabric you would have never saw yourself in ever! However, you  should never step so far away that you lose the very essence of your very own unique style. 

Even if you are in a elegant style dress, with pearls, and you are use to long tees and cardigans, I should still be able to say WOW, that's so You! 

Every piece of clothing you put on can always be a reflection of who you are, and magnify your own personality in monumental ways. This is the very reason I love fashion. We can express ourselves, tell a story, show our mood, without ever opening our mouth, or using a pen. It's amazing! 

One of my dear girlfriends comes to my mind when I think of individual style. I met Amaris, (I call her Mari), at SAU in 2007, and we instantly became glued to the hip. Inseparable.  We were college roommates, sisters, we were everything to each other. Today we are even more intertwined more than ever! She has always maintained true to herself. I know without a shadow of doubt that she will be the one in cute sundresses, tanks, cardigans, neutral tones, peep toe heels, sandals, but no matter what, she looks adorable and so comfortable in her own skin. I love it!

However, this girl will take chances, she will step out of her comfort zone to experience new looks any chance she gets. When I go visit her, getting dressed for our planned outing for the day is one of my most favorite moments with her. Everyone's strategy is different when figuring out an outfit to wear, but to see her, and her charismatic personality shine through during this process is beyond amazing!  

She's  a lover of smell goods too, so that plays a huge factor in adding to our style. I love her style, I love her willingness to try new things, and most of all I love her! I would love to design clothes for her, she would be a designer's playground! She's classy, she's comfortable, she's Bold and Beautiful!

Let's see her revolutionize from casual, comfy beach day to fashion runway It Girl!

*From left to right-Beach day: all pieces from Banana Republic,  Beige dress: Charlotte Russe, Multi-color print dress: Banana Republic (Sale item), and finally this amazing Dark blue/brown dress: Antonio Milani (Sale item a Dillards)

Friday, April 18, 2014

High School Seniors Wanted :: After Prom Series

Once or twice a year, I get an idea and I get an itching to photograph it. I have this idea in my head to photograph a group of guys and dolls in their prom dresses and tuxes. It either going to be a grungy scene or out in a field.  But it will be hilariously fun.

I need willing models...that's where you come in. I need a few people willing to put their gowns back on for a special photo shoot.

It's totally complimentary. No charge. In exchange for your time, I will offer beautifully printed photographs.

Email me for details:
Or call 404.954.0095

I'm excited.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Understanding Color Temperature :: Photos by Pru

Have you ever taken a picture, looked at your camera screen and to your shock and amazement, the people are orange? Truth is, it's happened to all of us. That orange look can be intentional but it's rarely flattering.

Light has color and every type of lighting situation creates a different mood. As I photographer I want to dictate the mood......and I want to do it in-camera. Yes I can adjust it in Lightroom or Photoshop but why give myself extra work.

Every camera, even my cell phone camera has the auto white balance option as well as preset options for the most common types of lighting scenarios like flourescent, incandesent, etc.

My latest and greatest addiction is making custom adjustments to white balance by changing the Kelvin temperature in my camera to reflect the look that I'm going for. This picture shows why adjusting the Kelvin temperature matters.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wedding Keepsake

Do you remember sitting down as a little child and looking through your parents of grandparents wedding album and being amazed at how young they looked, or fascinated by the fashion of the day? One of the favorite parts of my job is presenting couples with wonderful Coffee Table Albums. It tells the story in pictures. It's quite a process to create the album and I sit with my fingers twitching until the day that the mailman brings it to my doorstep. I realize that this will be a keepsake that will last generations. This will live on, long after digital files go to the place where a-tracks, videotapes, and cd's are.  This is the story of a new and vibrant love. This is the joining to two lives....and this is the evidence that tells the story of their wedding day in pictures.

Here is a 15 second preview of an everlasting memory of a beautiful day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3 Secrets to better Facebook pictures

A friend and top-notch videographer vented on his facebook status about blurry, out-of-focus pictures on facebook. He only wants people to be more selective about posting crappy pictures. I could feel his pain. I hate when people post crappy pictures. So, here are some keys to posting better pictures on facebook.

  1. Only post pictures that are IN FOCUS -- If it's blurry or out-of-focus.....don't post it. The moment is just never that important. No matter how good looking you think you are, the fact that the picture  is out of focus will negate your good looks. Don't get me wrong, there is such a thing as artistic blur.....but even a fool knows when a picture is artistic or just a bad shot.....and everybody gets bad shots.
  2. Only post FLATTERING pictures -- It's just plain wrong to post pictures of yourself or your friends that are unflattering. Follow the "Do unto others" rule.
  3. Follow the LIGHT. My mentor always says, "Photography is simply painting with light." Take pictures in good light. A huge hint is to face the good light. If you're taking pictures near a window, face the window.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

3 ways to guarantee AWESOME bride and groom portraits

It's your wedding day. Your family and friends have come from near and far. They want to be there to watch as you say "I Do" to the love of your life. Everybody has put on their best outfits and donned their brightest smile but no one will be as stunning as you coming down the aisle to meet your groom. Your inner circle love you dearly. They'll cheer when the minister says, "I now pronounce you man and wife." They'll beam with joy when it's time to 'kiss the bride.' They'll give you hugs and pull you aside for 'their' picture with you and your brand new husband. You'll smile so brightly and so often that your jaw will be sore.....and you'll love every minute of it. All the planning and prep, all the details boil down to this.....and you want to soak in every minute of it.

The happy couple is the center of attention and the want to remember the day forever. But sometimes in the joy and bliss of the day they miss out one very important thing......bride and groom portraits. They have pictures of everything, and with everyone, but stepping away to create the portraits that will hang on their walls gets the least attention, or sometimes get's completely overlooked.

Hire the best photographer, then take these steps and you'll have AMAZING bride and groom portraits.
  1. Schedule at least 2 hours between the ceremony and reception for bridal party pictures, family pictures and bride/groom portraits. 
    • Yes, it seems like a long time but creating amazing, breathtaking pictures takes time and requires that you leave the wedding guests behind so that you can have as few distractions as possible. 
  2. Do a first look.
    •  This is a photographer and videographer's dream for every wedding. The bride and groom agree to see each other before the ceremony and take amazing pictures. It is all staged  by the wedding professions to achieve the sweetest and most powerful reactions from the happy couple. Then they are wisked off for a photo session that is just mind blowing. 
  3. Plan for a post-wedding session. 
    • If you weren't able to get the pictures that you wanted on your wedding day then it's not too late. It is always possible to schedule a session after the wedding. I highly recommend that you do this as soon after the wedding as possible.
Here's a sneak peek of a Post-Wedding session. Jason and Tajana are a wonderful couple. She's gorgeous and he loves every cell in her body. It's obvious. I was not their wedding photographer but I've always wanted to photograph I asked.....and they said 'Yes'. We spent about 2 hours together and the result is an amazing photo story that makes me scream with joy. There's a beautiful open trail in Lithonia and I've dreamed of the art I could create there. These two were the perfect couple to make my dream come true.

Love these pictures?
  • Then book your wedding day photography with Photos by Pru.
  • Maybe you didn't get the pictures you wanted on your wedding day, it's not too late, book your own Post-Wedding Session. I'd love to make it right for you.
  • Don't forget to follow me on Facebook.
Want a little more? Watch this video below!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cool things to do in the cold weather --- brrrr

It's going to be 5 degrees on Monday morning. Yes, 5! My body was not made to tolerate that kind of weather. One kid is supposed to go to school, the other will be home. But I have a sneaky feeling that school will be canceled for both. So here is a some cool stuff that we are going to do, except that we're going to take advantage of the cold weather to see how things work out.

Then we're going to film it, photograph it and share with you all :). Should be fun. #ScienceExperiment. #NerdAndProud

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Perspective --- Putting it all in focus

Tonight, the first night of the new year, I went on a date with my very sexy husband. Just the two of us. It felt good. Life has been hectic for me lately and as we talked I started on a diatribe of complaints about work and kids and business and marketing and house chores....and he looked at me and said, "Isn't all that exciting?" I was like, "Yea, but, it's so much work....and I'm tired."

But that one comment had me thinking, maybe that's my problem, perspective. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love all that I have to do. But I'm not enjoying it as much as I should and the truth is that these are the moments that I will miss. I'm gonna miss this but the complaints are some sort of payoff mentally and I need to give it up b/c it's weighing me down and keeping me from enjoying, fully enjoying doing the exact things that I dreamed about. My life is good. Really good and I like it!

So. I started a grateful jar. I am going to fill it up with things that made me happy throughout the year. I'm already excited.

This little video reminded me of all things to be grateful about.