Friday, March 16, 2012

Always In Your Corner

[Sometimes, I'll write about photography. Sometimes, I'll write about life. Today it's about life]

It's the sweetest tell someone that you're always in their corner.....and to really mean it....and to really have them believe it.

It means that they know that you'll be their hero. That you'll be their biggest, most enthusiastic fan. That you'll do everything to support their dreams. That you'll cheer them on to victory. That you'll wipe tears and snotty noses and be a shoulder, when one is needed.

You have to be vulnerable and they do too. Sometimes you'll sacrifice your own pleasure for their happiness. You'll do things for the greater good. You won't get everything that you want, because things don't make life better, people do. You'll get all the love and support that you need....and that's priceless.

Relationships like that are not 50/50.....unless, of course, you only want your corner to be 50% covered.

There are some people, like your wife/husband, that should ALWAYS be on your team. Everybody else is just a nice surprise.


Rena L. said...

"There are some people, like your wife/husband, that should ALWAYS be on your team. Everybody else is just a nice surprise." ---- I love it! You are so talented!! Photographer, mom, husband, and writer!! This is so beautiful, Pru!!!

PrayingWife said...

What a Lovely Couple you two are! May God continue to Bless and Keep you. May your corner always be covered and filled with Love and Patience. The picture says it all- Love in Abundance.
