Thursday, May 16, 2013

4 reasons why Candice Glover inspires me

There are girls that are the prettiest, coolest, flyest, best dressed, most fashionable, etc. There are also the women who are the most confident, the smartest, the most secure, the most talented. Sometimes the two circles collide and sometimes not. There are many women I admire, for many reasons, but the gals that fall in the the second category get much more of my attention. Candice Glover of American Idol is on the list of women that get my attention.

She is a contestant on the hit show American Idol. There is a way that she sings that goes beyond just stringing sets of notes together. She sings with power, with passion clearly understanding the words that she sings and completely determined to make you believe the story she's telling through her music.

But it's more than that. Candice is not the typical Hollywood type. She is an average sized girl with average looks and average fashion styling BUT (and there's a big but) she walks on that stage with supreme confidence. She may truly feel that way about herself....or she may be in the 'fake it till you make it' category. Doesn't matter.....outwardly she has convinced me of her skills. She does her job so well that you are forced to stop and wallow in the beauty of her voice and her presence.

She is grateful. Week after week she sings. Sometimes she's great and sometimes she's just good. But she is grateful when she gets compliments and just as thankful for her learning experiences. It's no surprise that she is on the finale show.

She is determined. It takes a chick with some chutzpah to love something, want to do it passionately, get shunned over and over again, yet pick up and try again. That's Candice. She tried out for American Idol repeatedly and wasn't 'good enough.' So she honed her gift until she was ready for just this moment.

I photograph women from all walks of life. I don't photograph models. I photograph the everyday woman. I photograph the girl who likes her legs and hates her butt, who is a great accountant/nurse/teacher but a terrible housekeeper/cook/fashionista, the girl who only dresses up on weekends (and for photoshoots), the girl who is a great mother and a loving wife, the girl who has life experience full of joys and a few regrets, the girl who works hard and laughs harder, the girl who has tons of fun but remembers that she has a reputation to uphold. That's my client, my peeps, the chick I love the photograph. Candice reminds me of that girl.....and that's why I love her.

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